FleetFreak Docs
Section 1: Get Started
Welcome to FleetFreak
Welcome to the FleetFreak Manual, your comprehensive guide to navigating and utilizing our advanced fleet management software. FleetFreak is designed to streamline and automate vehicle rental services for businesses of all sizes, offering powerful tools to enhance productivity and improve operational efficiency.
This manual provides detailed instructions on all aspects of the FleetFreak system, including user and role management, trip information, vehicle details, driver assignments, and more. Whether you are an admin, agent, driver, or customer, this guide will help you understand the features and functionalities available to optimize your experience within the platform.
With FleetFreak, you can manage your fleet with ease, ensuring seamless collaboration and real-time data access across all roles. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions, improve customer service, and enhance the overall efficiency of your fleet operations. Let’s get started!
System Requirements:
- A modern web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge)
- Stable internet connection
- FleetFreak login credentials
Login Procedure:
- Open your browser and navigate to the FleetFreak portal.
- Enter your email address and password.
- Click Sign In to access the dashboard.

Section: 2. FleetFreak Dashboard
After signing into the FleetFreak system, you are directed to the FleetFreak Dashboard. This dashboard serves as the central hub, displaying key information and navigation links to the system’s main features. Based on your role (e.g., Admin, Agent, Driver), you will have access to different sections, such as Trip Information, Vehicle Details, Driver Assignments, and more.

Section: 3. Business Agents
The Business Agents section in the FleetFreak system allows admins to manage agents efficiently by creating new agent profiles and viewing a list of all active agents. This ensures that agents are well-organized and easily accessible within the system for streamlined operations.
Admins to add or create new agents who will manage rides and customer interactions. This feature is crucial for expanding the operational capabilities of the fleet management system.
Click the ‘Agent’ link to navigate to the business agent page, which displays all agents.

After pressing the + icon, you will go to the business agent form.

After filling out the form, click the Save button to create the agent.

Section: 4. Customers
In the FleetFreak system, the Customers section allows admins and agents to manage customer information efficiently. Customers are the users who rent vehicles through the fleet management system, and their details are essential for booking, billing, and trip management
Click the ‘Customers’ link to navigate the customer page

Click the ‘+’ icon to create a driver

Click the ‘Save’ button to create a new driver

Section: 5. Drivers
The Driver section allows admins to add and manage drivers within the fleet. Each driver’s details, such as name, license number, contact information, and assigned vehicles, can be recorded and monitored. This ensures efficient driver management and real-time tracking of trips and vehicle usage.
Click the ‘Drivers’ link to navigate the driver page

Click the ‘+’ icon to create a driver

Click the ‘Save’ button to create a new driver

Section: 6.Vehicle Details
The next step is to configure and manage the Vehicle Details, which includes defining the Vehicle Class, Vehicle Company, Vehicle Model, and individual Vehicles. This section allows admins and agents to maintain a detailed record of the fleet, ensuring easy access to vehicle information and efficient fleet management.
Click the ‘Vehicle Details’ link to display four more links.

Vehicle Class:
The Vehicle Class section is used to categorize vehicles based on their type or purpose, such as Sedan, SUV, Truck, or Van. This classification helps in filtering and managing vehicles more effectively.
Click the ‘Vehicle Class’ link to display a Vehicle Class page.

Admin delete edit and view each Vehicle Class

Click the ‘+’ icon to create a vehicle class

Completely fill out the form and click the Save button to create a vehicle class

Vehicle Company:
The Vehicle Company section allows you to add and manage the manufacturers of the vehicles in your fleet, such as Toyota, Ford, or Honda.
Click the ‘Vehicle Company’ link to display its page

The admin can view, edit, and delete each car company.

Click the ‘+’ icon to show a ‘create car company’ page

Click the ‘Save’ button to store the company information

Vehicle Model:
The Vehicle Model section is used to define specific models for each company, such as Toyota Camry or Ford F-150.
Click the ‘Vehicle Models’ link to display its page

The admin can view, edit, and delete each Vehicle Model.

Click the ‘+’ icon to show a ‘Create Vehicle Model’ page

Fill in all the details of the Create Vehicle Model form

Click the ‘Save’ button to add the vehicle to your fleet

The Vehicle section contains individual vehicle records within your fleet. This includes vehicle-specific details such as license plate numbers, availability, assigned drivers and some other details.
Click the ‘Vehicle’ link to navigate to the Vehicle section under Vehicle Details

Click the ‘+’ icon to open the Create Vehicle page

Fill in the following details and Click Save to add the vehicle to your fleet

Section: 7. Trip Information
Next, the Trip Details section, which includes Location, Routes, and the Rate List, will be managed. This section allows admins and agents to configure and monitor key trip-related data for optimal fleet operation. Locations define pickup and drop-off points, routes optimize the path between locations, and the rate list ensures accurate billing based on distance or time. Proper configuration of these details enhances efficiency, ensures smooth trip execution, and maintains transparency in pricing for users.
Click the “Trip Information” link then show more three links

In which the Location section defines the pickup and drop-off points for each trip. This information is crucial for routing, distance calculation, and estimating trip duration.
After opening the “Location” link to click the “+” icon for creating new location.

Enter the Pickup location and his description then Click the “save” button to store information.

Enter the Drop-of location and his description then Click the “save” button to store information

The Routes section allows you to define specific routes between locations, optimizing trip efficiency and ensuring that drivers follow predefined paths.
After click on the “Routes” link to show the route page and all created routes.

Click the ‘+’ icon to create a route in the form provided.

Fill information according to your route.

Select your pickup location.

Select your drop-of location.

Select your distance unit and click the Save button to create a route.

Rate list:
The Rate List determines the pricing structure for trips, based on distance, duration, or predefined rates between specific locations. This section ensures transparent billing for all users.
Click the ‘Rate List’ link to display the rate list page with details.

Click the ‘+’ icon to navigate to the Create Realist page.

To create a rate list, navigate to the Rate List Form where you will input essential details. Begin by entering the Name and Description for the rate, followed by selecting the applicable Routes from the provided options. Specify the Price for the rate and choose the appropriate Vehicle Class from the dropdown menu. Additionally, enter the Estimated Time for the trip in hours and minutes to provide a comprehensive overview. Once all fields are filled out, press the Save button to apply the rate, ensuring it is correctly recorded in the system for future reference.

Section: 8. Unit Type
Define the unit type of cargo.

Section: 9. Load Type
Define the Load Type of cargo.

Section: 10. Rides
The Rides section in the FleetFreak system enables admins and agents to manage and create new rides for customers. This feature ensures smooth scheduling, clear tracking, and efficient management of ride details to provide a seamless service experience.
Click the ‘Rides’ link to navigate to the rides page showing all ride details.

Click the ‘+’ Icon to navigate to the rides creation page.

After entering all the required information, click the Save button at the bottom of the form to confirm the ride creation. This action saves the ride details in the FleetFreak system, making the new ride immediately visible in the Rides list.

Section: 11. Pending orders
The Pending Orders section in the FleetFreak system is designed to manage rides that are awaiting approval or are yet to be completed. This feature provides visibility into all pending rides, allowing admins and agents to track their status and make necessary updates as needed.
Click the ‘Pending Order’ link to navigate to the Pending rides page, which displays all pending rides.

Click the detail icon and scroll down the page , click on approved button to approve the ride and unapproved button to reject the ride.

Section: 12. Driver Assignment
The Driver Assignment feature in the FleetFreak system enables efficient management of rides assigned to drivers. This section provides an overview of the various ride statuses, including Approved & Unassigned Rides, Incomplete Rides, Completed Rides, and Cancelled Rides.
Click the ‘Driver Assignment’ to navigate the driver assignment dashboard.

Approved & Unassigned Rides:
The Approved & Unassigned Rides section displays rides that have been approved but have not yet been assigned to a driver. This allows admins or agents to quickly view available rides and assign them to drivers based on availability and capacity.

Incomplete Rides:
The Incomplete Rides section shows rides that have been started but not yet completed. This may occur due to various reasons, such as a driver facing an issue during the ride or a passenger needing to change plans.

Complete Rides:
The Completed Rides section provides a record of all rides that have been successfully finished. This information is essential for tracking performance, billing, and customer feedback.

Cancelled Rides:
The Cancelled Rides section lists all rides that have been cancelled, either by the driver or the customer. Understanding cancellation patterns can help improve service and reduce future cancellations.

Section: 13. Roles and Permissions
Admins have the highest level of control within the system. They can add or remove users, manage vehicles, assign roles, and view all analytics and reports.
Admin Features:
- User management (Admins, Agents, Drivers, Users)
- Vehicle management (Adding, removing, or updating vehicle details)
- Reporting and Analytics (Complete access to all fleet data)
Agents can manage daily operations, interact with users, and handle bookings.
Agent Features:
- Book vehicle reservations for users
- Manage drivers and assign tasks
- Oversee vehicle availability
Drivers can view their assignments, track their trips, and update the status of vehicle conditions.
Driver Features:
- View assigned trips and bookings
- Log trip status and vehicle condition
- Report issues with vehicles
Section: 14. User and Roles
After logging in, the User Page serves as the central hub for managing all registered accounts, including Admin, Agent and Users storing essential information and enabling efficient role-based management within the FleetFreak system. During registration, the details for each role are securely stored here, providing easy access for viewing, editing, and managing user permissions and roles within the system.
Click the “Users” link to show all users

Click the “edit” icon to show detail

Click the “Save” button to update the user record

Click the “View” icon to sow the user detail

Detail of user

Click the “change password” icon to change password

Click the “Confirm Password Change” button to change the new password

In which we define and manage the specific roles for Admin, Agent, and Driver. Each role has distinct permissions and access levels tailored to their responsibilities within the system, ensuring that tasks and functions are appropriately assigned for smooth operations.
Click the “Roles” link to show all the roles

Click a “+” icon to create a new role

Create role and allow permissions according to the role

Click the “Save” button to create a new role

Click the “Delete” icon to delete a role

Click the “Edit” icon to edit a role

Click the “View” icon to view a role

Section: 15. Ledgers
The Ledgers section in the FleetFreak system is designed to streamline the financial tracking and transaction management for drivers and agents. By maintaining organized ledgers, FleetFreak enables efficient oversight of financial activity and payments associated with rides, drivers, and agents.
Click the ‘ledgers’ link to show the two more options Driver ledgers and ledgers.

Driver Ledgers:
The Driver Ledgers section records all financial transactions related to drivers. This includes ride payments, fees, and any other associated expenses. Admins can use this section to track earnings, view transaction histories, and ensure that drivers are compensated accurately.

Agent Ledgers:
The Ledgers for Agents section maintains a record of all transactions associated with agents. This includes payments or commissions tied to ride bookings, ensuring transparency and accountability in agent-related financial activities.

Section: 16. Employees
In the Employees section, admins can add and manage staff members involved in fleet operations, such as support personnel or administrative staff. This section includes employee roles, contact information, and access permissions, ensuring that employees have the appropriate level of access and responsibility within the system.
Click the ‘Employees’ link to navigate the employee page

Click the ‘+’ icon to create an employee

Click the ‘Save’ button to create a new employe
Section: 17. Ride Status
The Ride Status section in the FleetFreak system helps admins and agents monitor and manage the current status of all rides. This feature is essential for tracking rides in real-time and allows easy filtering and downloading of status reports.
Click the ‘Ride Status’ link on the dashboard to access the Filtration Page, where you can use filters to sort rides by status, such as Completed, In Progress, Cancelled, or Pending. This functionality allows quick access to rides based on their current state, ensuring efficient management.

After applying filters, click the Download button to export the current status records as a report. This report provides a detailed overview of ride statuses and can be used for analysis, record-keeping, or sharing updates with stakeholders.